Earlier this week, the DFL announced the agreement of its domestic broadcasting rights for the four seasons from 2021/22 to 2024/25, which covers both the Bundesliga and the 2.Bundesliga. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the value of the broadcasting rights has seen a fall, as expected, though perhaps it was not such a stark fall, with the domestic rights still exceeding €1bn. In the last cycle, from 2017/18 to 2020/21, the domestic TV rights for the Bundesliga and 2.Bundesliga were worth a total of €4.64bn, equating to an average of €1.16bn across four seasons. The new TV deal from the 2021/22 to the 2024/25 seasons is said to be worth a total of €4.4bn (an average of €1.1bn per season), an overall drop of roughly €200m for the four seasons (which equates to an average of €50m per season). The Premier League in England will be preparing to announce its next TV deal for the seasons from 2022/23 to 2024/25 next year, and it is highly likely that it too will see a drop in value. In reaction to the new domestic TV deal agreed, DFL chairman Christian Seifert said the following: "The outcome of the tender offers the greatest possible stability in uncertain times for the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 clubs as well as for the fans by broadly preserving the revenue situation and regarding the viewing habits. We would like to express our considerable gratitude to the media partners for the coming rights period, whose investments serve as an expression of their confidence in the continued positive development of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2."